The Reiki Experience

The Reiki Experience

For one day only, experience the healing power of reiki! Add on additional services to make the most of this limited time opportunity!

  • Reiki.

    Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that improves the flow of energy in and around the body. Reiki can help improve wellbeing, sleep, mood, and energy.

  • Spiritual Guidance.

    During your reiki session, I often receive messages from your guides or loved ones. I will pass along these messages to assist you in your healing journey. These can be profound and connect you to your next steps.

  • Spirit Sketch.

    Spirit guides, loved ones, angels, and other spiritual beings come into the session to assist in your healing or pass along messages. I will complete a sketch of them and send you the image via email in the days following your session.

  • Emotion Code

    Emotion code is an energetic healing modality utilizing a magnet to release trapped emotions, also known as "emotional baggage." The emotions can be from this lifetime, a past life, or from your family lineage. Trapped emotions can cause emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms.